Messy Scene0028
Concept: slime,messy
Scene time:00:19:24
Price 1,199yen
Her last game is a pie-in-the-face game. This time, she's in a more "professional"-looking red dress and high-heels, and the game has her stepping into a bathtub full of water and squatting down to pick up coins. After she picks a coin out of the tub, she has to answer a trivia question, and if she gets it wrong: whipped-cream-and-chocolate-sauce pie in the face! (She takesseveral.)But the final pie is the best, as she wipes her face clean so we can see her pretty features, and then she pies herself. You can tell by the smile that self-pieing was her favorite!As always, we then get to watch as she showers and bathes, fully clothed, both in the school.
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